Centennial School District Collective Bargaining Agreement 2016

The Centennial School District Collective Bargaining Agreement of 2016: What You Need to Know

The Centennial School District is one of the largest school districts in the state of Oregon, serving more than 6,000 students across twelve different schools. In 2016, the district negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement with its teachers` union, which is set to run through 2019. This agreement has important implications for both teachers and students in the district.

First and foremost, the new agreement provides for salary increases for teachers. Under the terms of the agreement, teachers will receive a 3.5% increase in their base salary for the 2016-2017 school year, followed by increases of 3.25% and 3% in the subsequent two years. Additionally, teachers who have worked for the district for more than ten years will receive an additional step increase in their salary.

The new agreement also includes changes to the district`s health insurance plan. Beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, the district will contribute an additional $200 per month towards each teacher`s health insurance premium. This will help offset the rising cost of healthcare for teachers and their families.

In addition to these financial changes, the new collective bargaining agreement includes language outlining changes to teacher evaluation and professional development. The agreement establishes a joint committee of teachers and administrators to develop a new evaluation system that will emphasize professional growth and development, as well as student achievement.

Finally, the agreement includes language around class sizes and workload. The district has committed to reducing class sizes in certain grade levels, and has established a new workload committee to explore ways to reduce the workload on teachers.

Overall, the Centennial School District Collective Bargaining Agreement of 2016 represents a significant win for teachers in the district. The salary increases and changes to health insurance will help ensure that teachers can continue to provide quality education to their students, while the changes to evaluation and workload will help support teacher growth and development. It is important for both teachers and students in the district to be aware of the terms of the agreement, and to understand how it will impact their work and learning in the coming years.

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